Thursday, September 17, 2009

..changing colors

Well week 2 of work is almost complete, hopefully its a slow weekend that I can put up my feet, pop in a good movie and drink some yummy tea. I watched the hanna montana movie a couple days ago I was surprise how good it was. It's one of those movies you can just curl up on the couch with a warm comfy blanket and relax. Rascal Flatts, Tailor Swift, Billy Raye, and Miley are all in the movie. Some pretty good tunes as well. I would def. recommend grabing this movie on a rainy day.
The leafs are changing colors and i'm starting to feel the chill outside. I'm hoping to get out to capture some of the beauty, I love how each season tells a story. With each color, each leaf, each rain drop, each sun kissed cheek, and even when the wind blows, another page is fliped.

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