Friday, June 18, 2010


So i'm pretty sure i'm sick of this place. Apx. 30 weeks left! *sigh The count down is officially Starting. Who knows it may be sooner. Places in the running are as follows:

Weyburn, SK -----Apx. 6.5 hours from Winnipeg, Mb
Shellbrook, SK---- Apx. 10 hrs from Winnipeg, Mb
Melfort, SK Apx. -----8-9 hrs from Winnipeg, Mb
Fort Qu' Appelle ----5.5-6hrs from Winnipeg, Mb

Still looking into these places....nothing set in stone as of now.

1 comment:

  1. Tavia & Nathan CorkumMonday, August 30, 2010

    OH!!! WEYBURN!!!!! Nathan grew up there!! I vote for there!!
